Certainly! Many tools and access options are provided and available, at your disposal. Even with full site access down to the file level, 9 out of 10 clients prefer to have an expert webmaster [...]
No way! There are many “free” WordPress templates available and a zillion site owners who have zero creative or programming skills. Many do not know how to configure and harness the [...]
We start with the domain name (most clients have this already), then your hosting account is setup and configured. E-mail accounts are always included, along with the hosting, in your monthly [...]
As popular and mainstream as WordPress is, there are many other content/Blog management systems available. Joomla! is a great alternative. Drupal, and ModX are other popular CMS systems out [...]
Yes. Sometimes only a part of the job needs to be outsourced. For whatever reason, you do not need a full design design package. Maybe your former webmaster has closed shop, or is unavailable [...]